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Author: Isabelle Canard



En cette période toute particulière à plus d’un titre – fin d’année, pandémie, intempéries – où l’on vous demande de : faire le bilan de l’année écoulée : dis au revoir à l’année passée… écrire vos résolutions pour 2021 : dis bonjour à la nouvelle année… J’ai envie de partager avec vous quelques pensées. Et si vous vous connectiez tout simplement à votre coeur ? Faire quelque chose à contre-coeur, c’est un peu comme vouloir accélérer sans avoir totalement desserré…

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Naughty, Naughty

Naughty, Naughty

I strongly advocate you to be totally respectful to every human being crossing your path and I am not kidding about that. Anyway, when it comes to your sexual life, even if a declaration of love can be delightful during a sexual intercourse, being only “gentle” in your bedroom can somehow seriously diminish your lust and you begin to consider your partner as your best friend which is not the best way to get aroused, right ? My suggestion is…

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Spread the Love Spread the Love around You Every F*cking Day ! Because Love is all we need, and money too because those who you say it is not essential to life never had to suffer from a total lack of money so they can give me all they have and I bet they will change their mind right away ! That said (because honestly that kind of crap from very wealthy “bohos” gets on my nerves), since we are…

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Naked & Bold 2

Naked & Bold 2

Assuming that your are now comfortable enough with yourself to stay naked for a while at home, what would you think about sharing your new confidence with your partner, significant other, love, sex friend, whatever her/his name to spice up your sexual life ? I won’t mention the one night stand since in that case, due to alcohol (note that drinking too much is not recommended because it has bad side effects on your physiology) or serious sexual excitation, clothes…

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Naked & Bold 1

Naked & Bold 1

Disliking what you see in the mirror when you come out from the shower and having seen better days when it comes to your sex drive ? We all have experienced at least once that kind of uneasiness, facing our image : is that really me ? Either we feel too fat or too thin, chubby or skinny… and it can become pretty obsessive. My proposal for you is to do a very simple exercise, at home, when you are…

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Ode to Pleasure

Ode to Pleasure

What do you relate to Pleasure ? Is it living in a big house, driving a sports’ car, going to exotic destinations for holidays, buying expensive clothes ? Advertising is tricky enough to let us believe that we can buy happiness, hence a lot of people feeling miserable whereas they fight to make their ends meet every month and certainly can’t afford spending money in luxury goods. In this column, I am going to talk about Pleasure which is all Yours,…

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You are Unique !

You are Unique !

Before talking about Beauty, I definitely want you to have and keep in mind something crucial everyone should be aware of and which is a major asset to me : You are Unique  ! If you can remember that every time you find yourself trying to adjust to a situation or an image that doesn’t fit your personality or your figure, you will spare yourself lots of issues, waste of time and money. In Real Life, Beauty comes in all shapes…

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The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life

It took me a while to realize that I was Born to Be Me. As a little girl, all I was doing was to fit in with my parents’ expectations, yearning for their approval but it was never enough. Every new year at school, I was worrying and fearing not be good enough…  I was lonely, seeking solace in books, music & dance to fill the emptiness I was feeling. At that time, I was not able to identify the…

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