What is EFT ?

EFT, Emotional freedom techniques was founded by Gary Graig and is used to help you dealing with your emotions, using your fingertips (on your body and face) on one point of each meridian. The benefit is very quick to appear : you can work efficiently on a specific issue (intense emotion or physical pain) with an instant relief.

What is Matrix Reimprinting ?

Matrix Reimprinting, created by Karl Dawson in 2006, is a technique based on EFT and also works on past traumas, which very often happened during childhood. To heal and transform painful memories, we also use a 21 days process (more if your problem is very deep) to create a new behavior or a positive belief instead of the one that was preventing you to move forward and thrive.

What are the “tools” used in Matrix Reimprinting ?

The first one, like said above is “tapping”, to reduce stress and pain once the source of the issue has been clearly identified, the second one is the “Positive Belief Imprinting” through a 21 days process that is used to give up and get rid of the issue that was preventing you from growing in peace. In Energy Psychology, it is also advisable to do a daily energy routine to begin your day in the best possible way, therefore, I will teach you some tricks and tips to help you work on yourself at home and keep the benefits of your session.

Other services

Thanks to my experience as a certified beauty therapist specialized in natural and organic products and in energetic facial et body care, I can also do counselling and guidance so you can free yourself from the beauty diktats.

My coaching is entirely personalized since I am adamant on the fact that we are all unique and it is something to cultivate & treasure.

Another type of service I offer is the opportunity for you to make peace with your body and your ability to thrive and enjoy pleasure. Many problems such as eating disorders, life tribulations, destructive romantic relationships can have a significant impact on your capacity to be connected to your sensations or more particularly to pleasure you might deny yourself. EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are, once again, amazing resources to get your confidence back.

In case of pathologies, either physical & psychological, I will urge you to seek for medical advice. 


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