

The information in this website comes from my experience, what I learned in my various qualifications and from sources I quote in all good faith. They are not meant to be used as medical advice. I also write articles as a writer, to share my point of view on all kind of subjects according to my inspiration (see my blog).

Furthermore, during my sessions, my mission -as a coach- is to support you, to help you identify your issues and guide you so that you can work on yourself especially with the Matrix Reimprinting technique, based on EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), created and developed in 2006 by Karl Dawson, EFT master, himself certified by Gary Graig, EFT founder.

This method is not in any case to be used as a substitute of medical treatment, either physiological or psychological. For any health issue, I strongly recommend you to seek for a professional health care.

Therefore, you accept during the sessions and reading my website to endorse your full responsibility : I will not be taken responsible for any damage or injury of any kind that might occur to you during the process.

Feel free to ask me if you need more details and you can also have a look at my FAQ.

Rise in Love En’Joy