Naked & Bold 1

Naked & Bold 1

Disliking what you see in the mirror when you come out from the shower and having seen better days when it comes to your sex drive ?
We all have experienced at least once that kind of uneasiness, facing our image : is that really me ? Either we feel too fat or too thin, chubby or skinny… and it can become pretty obsessive.

My proposal for you is to do a very simple exercise, at home, when you are alone. If you live with a big family and find difficult to have privacy, the best place to do it is the bathroom. Lock the door if necessary !
Instead of putting clothes on right away after shower or bath, stay naked as long as you can and pay attention to your sensations.

Are you ashamed of your body? What does it say about yourself ?

Has it something to do with humiliating remarks you have heard from some jerks or does it come only from yourself ?

Do you compare yourself with other people ? What kind of ideal do you have ?

Does it come from advertising or by your own standards ?

You might feel puzzled at first because you can have somehow lost yourself because of multiple reasons.
The point is to identify them first to work on it
Write it in a journal if it helps you figure out the situation and as usual, my advice is to “tap” on your body and mind issues to initiate the healing process.

In your bathroom privacy, tell yourself that you are ok, even if you are not convinced at all by what you are saying.

Be persistent.

Eventually, one day, you will face your image, saying  how amazing you are, no matter what and you will  feel a rush of love for yourself.

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Because if Self Love is not that simple to put in practice and I know what I am talking about,

self-hate is even harder to deal with not to mention its very destructive impact & side effects on your entire life.

It is time for You to Rise in Love En’Joy

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